Friday, February 3, 2012

Why is Tiledek different? What makes it the Best choice?

Duradek for years (more then 35 of them) has been the industry leader in walkable roof membranes. When asked if they could help solve the challenges of using tile on flat roofs and roof decks they were quick to see the opportunity. We already knew that tile could be installed over Duradek's Ultra membrane with great success, as it turns out they had been doing it in Florida for about 12 years. Living in Utah the big deal is the harsh climate and freeze thaw concerns. What would happen if snow built up on and exterior tile surface and sat there, thawing out a little during the day and freezing again at night, over and over and over? Then in summer when we are in the 90's what will happen under the tile with all that heat build up?

There was never any concern about the surface being waterproof. Duradek really is the expert in this field. Achieving a bond strong enough to reduce concern over a cracked or popped tile was what we were interested in. Having installed this all over the Salt Lake City area from the Benches, Avenues and as high as 10,000 ft it was time to learn more from the tile industry. I wanted to know just how they would waterproof over living space, or not and did that make any difference to the products used.
What I have learned was simple. There really are no standards an the most common practice was to do everything at least twice. Redundancy seemed to be a confidence builder. In reality all it would do is delay the inevitable failure. The owner was very often the person faced with the expensive repairs and there was a lot of finger pointing between contractors and trades.

Duradek' Tiledek brings roofing standards and approvals to the tile industry. Our system has been tested to the tile industries standards (TCNA), achieving a "heavy" and "residential" rating during the Robinson testing. So what does that really mean to you? Our trained installers will waterproof the surface including up the walls and all details. Tile is then installed to our system. What you get in addition to a beautiful entertainment area is Peace of Mind

If there is ever a problem with a tile it is a simple repair. No water damages, no high cost of replacement, just a new tile being installed.

For more information take a look at these websites.

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