This beautiful cabin in Donner Lake California did not have a garage / work area and only a walk out patio in the rear. During the design phase they had decided to open up the upstairs bedrooms, removing the old windows and adding doors opening right to the roof of the garage. Very cost effective and added not just value but serious jealously form the neighbors too.
Located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains there are fire concerns and a class A fire rated roof is required. A sheet of 1/2" cement board is installed over the wood substrate and the seams leveled with thin set. The building inspector was not familiar with Duradek and had some questions. The following morning he received what he wanted direct from the Duradek Technical support staff.
This cabin has a nice rustic look to it so Duradek's PVC coated drip edge is used around the perimeter. This allows for the membrane to be welded to it and yet form the ground you only see the face of the drip edge, complimenting the design.

Fully adhered and thoroughly inspected by the local Squirrels (like the neighbors they were really interested in what was going on). Duradek is in use immediately and ready for whatever the weather may be. It was good thing too, mornings were very cold and frosty with certain snow by now this couple has piece of mind knowing they are protected.
Rock salt or ice melting chemical or even a shovel if needed will allow them to take advantage of this awesome roof deck year round.
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