For years we have been listening to home owners that have water damages or are just plain tired of annually spending money on their deck. It really can be heart wrenching to hear them tell how " they said it work" or "they told us it was good for at least fives years". Then when the owner has water leaking into their home or a rotting old deck "they" are all gone.
We are giving away a new waterproof deck, flat roof, balcony or porch. All you need to do is Tell Us Your Story. From our website simply register to win and on April 15th we will award the prize to a deserving home owner. What so we want to hear in your story? What have you gone through over the past few years? Are you tired of sending xxx.xx$ every year on stain and then taking you valuable time to sand and stain the deck? Did you do the outdoor carpet idea only to find out the wood was rotting below? What caused the water leaking into your home? How many times have you gone through this process?
We want to find a deserving home owner and eliminate the frustrations and headaches once and for all. Our products have been around for more then thirty-six years and almost four warranty cycles. We know that even here in our tough climate one application is going to last well beyond ten years.
It would please us to no end to install their new waterproof deck and then watch them sit back, kick their feet up and relax.